Reassessing The Changing Outlook For Absci Corp (ABSI)

Currently, there are 114.19M common shares owned by the public and among those 92.01M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 34.45% and 10.14% over the past three months. ABSI shares are trading -4.29% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 74.78% higher. […]

Absci Corp (NASDAQ: ABSI) Not A Good Play Anymore?

Absci Corp (ABSI) concluded trading on Thursday at a closing price of $3.02, with 3.28 million shares of worth about $9.91 million changed hands on the day. Half year performance of the stock remained negative as price took a plunge of -36.39% during that period and on November 14, 2024 the price saw a loss […]

Absci Corp (NASDAQ: ABSI) – Not A Clear Buying Opportunity?

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has recently announced that it has increased stake in Absci Corp (NASDAQ:ABSI) by 12.00%. After grabbing 2.44 million shares, the institutional investor is now in possession of 0.26 million shares of the Healthcare Company. The new investment brought the stake of investor firm to 2.63% having worth around $4.08 million. Moreover, […]