Do Ferguson Enterprises Inc (NYSE: FERG) Fit In A Value Investing Philosophy?
Currently, there are 200.74M common shares owned by the public and among those 198.89M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -11.79% and 3.37% over the past three months. FERG shares are trading 0.97% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 7.91% higher. […]
There Is Clear Momentum For Ferguson Enterprises Inc. (NYSE: FERG)
Ferguson Enterprises Inc. (FERG) concluded trading on Thursday at a closing price of $201.94, with 3.46 million shares of worth about $699.11 million changed hands on the day. Half year performance of the stock remained negative as price took a plunge of -7.77% during that period and on September 26, 2024 the price saw a […]