Reassessing The Changing Outlook For AGNC Investment Corp (AGNC)

Currently, there are 885.64M common shares owned by the public and among those 879.37M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -1.34% and -9.19% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -2.34% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 2.24% higher. […]

AGNC Investment Corp (NASDAQ: AGNC) Loses -10.51% From High. Why That Could Change?

Currently, there are 885.64M common shares owned by the public and among those 879.07M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 0.52% and -4.90% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -1.02% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 8.98% higher. […]

Analyst Expect Big Moves From AGNC Investment Corp (NASDAQ: AGNC)

Currently, there are 885.64M common shares owned by the public and among those 879.07M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -0.41% and -5.39% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -1.53% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 7.93% higher. […]

AGNC Investment Corp (NASDAQ: AGNC) Has Another Chance To Impress You

Currently, there are 885.64M common shares owned by the public and among those 879.07M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 1.67% and -5.53% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -0.71% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 10.81% higher. […]

AGNC Investment Corp (NASDAQ: AGNC): Hunting Genuine Value In Market Debris

Currently, there are 885.64M common shares owned by the public and among those 879.07M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -0.83% and -5.71% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -2.34% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 10.50% higher. […]

AGNC Investment Corp (NASDAQ: AGNC): Stock That Needs Special Handling

Currently, there are 885.64M common shares owned by the public and among those 878.55M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 3.76% and -2.91% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -1.53% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 13.51% higher. […]

Growing Through Challenges? – AGNC Investment Corp (AGNC)

Currently, there are 844.20M common shares owned by the public and among those 837.44M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -6.24% and -4.81% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading -5.10% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 19.97% higher. […]

Analyst Expect Big Moves From AGNC Investment Corp (NASDAQ: AGNC)

Currently, there are 844.20M common shares owned by the public and among those 837.44M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -6.32% and -1.68% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading 1.22% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 42.26% higher. […]

Reassessing The Changing Outlook For AGNC Investment Corp (AGNC)

Currently, there are 782.46M common shares owned by the public and among those 776.20M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 2.81% and 3.41% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading 8.05% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 23.54% higher. […]

Stick With AGNC Investment Corp (AGNC). The Bull Are Alive And Well

Currently, there are 782.46M common shares owned by the public and among those 776.20M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -0.10% and -0.58% over the past three months. AGNC shares are trading 5.10% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 12.31% higher. […]