Reassessing The Changing Outlook For Affirm Holdings Inc (AFRM)
Currently, there are 271.83M common shares owned by the public and among those 258.35M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 2.76% and 64.44% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading 39.17% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 98.75% higher. […]
Handle With Care: Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM)
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 258.31M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 18.52% and 108.75% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading 35.43% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 160.27% higher. […]
Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM) – Suitable For Long Term Buy?
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 258.30M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 20.80% and 85.07% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading 14.27% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 116.13% higher. […]
Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM) Seen Running Too Hot, Let’s Look At This More Closely
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 255.47M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 7.54% and 84.66% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -5.41% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 113.60% higher. […]
Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM): Stock That Needs Special Handling
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 255.47M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 3.73% and 80.84% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -11.09% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 107.65% higher. […]
Now Is A Suitable Moment For A Long-Term Purchase Of Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM)
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 251.62M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -3.51% and 53.39% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -14.29% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 141.79% higher. […]
Look At Analyst Expectations For A Better Read On Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM)
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 251.62M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -11.39% and 48.77% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -11.17% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 138.65% higher. […]
Affirm Holdings Inc (AFRM) Volatility Spurs A Quest For Clarity
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 251.62M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of 19.61% and 46.67% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -4.19% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 133.88% higher. […]
Uncovering Institutional Buying In Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM)
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 251.62M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -5.44% and 36.11% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -21.45% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 120.45% higher. […]
Now Is A Suitable Moment For A Long-Term Purchase Of Affirm Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: AFRM)
Currently, there are 267.31M common shares owned by the public and among those 251.63M shares have been available to trade. The company’s stock has a 5-day price change of -13.76% and 30.97% over the past three months. AFRM shares are trading -21.69% year to date (YTD), with the 12-month market performance up to 80.91% higher. […]